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How does IMHR membership work ?We have multiple membership categories: - Single: For an individual member - Family: For a family unit, you decide what that family unit looks like - Youth: For individual under 18 years Each type of membership is allocated a unique membership number. Any horses or ponies you own will be registered against that membership number. You must be a financial member to have a horse or pony registered in your name. You must be a financial member to show at IMHR shows and events. There are two ways to join us. You can use the Online Shop or you can print forms to fill in and post.
Do I need a stud prefix ?If you want to start breeding and registering the foals, they will need to carry a registered stud prefix. There is no fee to register a stud prefix, however, it must be unique - you cannot use a Stud Prefix that is already registered by another member. The registrar will inform you if the prefix you requested has already been taken. The stud prefix must be included in the name of all foals bred by the prefix owner.
Do I need to be a member to show at IMHR shows ?Yes, all handlers must be financial members of IMHR to show at IMHR events.
When is my membership due for renewal ?Memberships are due for renewal by 1st August each year. As per Constitution: (4) A member whose subscription is not paid by 1 November shall be automatically dropped from the Register of Members unless the Committee decides otherwise. A joining fee as determined by clause (1) will need to be paid in addition to membership fee for reinstatement.
What do I need to register my horse or pony with IMHR ?To register your horse or pony with IMHR you will need to provide: - Name including stud prefix - Date of Birth - Colour - Clear photographs of each side - Height You can lodge your registration via the Online Shop or via the forms on the website.
Can I change my horse or ponies name ?If your horse or pony is already registered with IMHR or another society, the name must remain the same including the stud prefix.
When are horses and ponies due for upgrade ?All horses and ponies under 5 years actual age that are registered with IMHR must be upgraded when they reach 5 years actual age.
How do I upgrade my horse or pony ?Once your horse or pony reaches 5 years actual age, they will need to be upgraded. You will need: - Current height - Current photos If posting your upgrade in, you will need to sign the height certificate on the back of the original certificate and send that in with current photos.

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